Sternbergia lutea

Sternbergia lutea in Umbria

The Autumn Gold Cup ( Sternbergia lutea ) is a flowering plant of the family in the fall of the Amaryllis family ( Amaryllidaceae ) and is found in the Mediterranean. Other commonly used trivial names of the genus Sternbergia loud " Goldkrokusse ", " Winter Daffodils" or " thunderstorm flowers".


The perennial plant is 10 to 30 inches high. The shape of the leaves is linear and dull. They are 4-15 mm wide, entire or toothed indistinct and appear simultaneously with the flowers in September and October.

The flowers are golden yellow in color and crocus similar. They stand upright on a 4 to 10 inches long shaft. The flower sleeve has a short tube, and six oval to elliptical portions which are 3 to 4 centimeters long and 7-15 mm wide. At the base of the flower is a membranous bract. The stamens of the six stamens are much longer than the anthers.


The species is widespread in southern Europe, southwest Asia and Tunisia and is present there in Garigues in rock corridors and on pasture.


The Autumn Gold cup is also cultivated as an ornamental plant in gardens and can therefore occur wild outside its natural area.
