Stevan Sremac

Stevan Sremac, Cyrillic Стеван Сремац (born 11 Novemberjul / November 23 1855greg in Senta, Backa, .. .. † 12 Augustjul / August 25 1906greg in Sokobanja ) was a Serbian writer.


Sremac attended school in his hometown. After the death of his parents he studied in Belgrade and became a teacher. As such, he worked all his life in the southern Serbian city of Nis and Sokobanja, where he began relatively late, at the age of 33 years to write. Politically Sremac was a supporter of the Liberal Party, a strictly nationalist party that supported the monarchy in Serbia under the dynasty Obrenović.


Sremac was one of the main representatives of the Serbian realism. He wrote mainly prose works that portray the social relations in Serbia in a humorous manner, his sympathy was for the traditional, patriarchal states, without idealizing this though.

  • Божићна печеница, 1893
  • Ивкова слава, narration 1895; Film: Serbia 2005 ( Director: Z. Šotra )
  • Лимунација на селу, 1896
  • Поп Ћира и поп Спира, Roman 1898 ( translated into German, Alfred von Buttlar - Moscon: priests are only human, Wancura, Vienna, 1955); Film: Yugoslavia in 1957 (directed by S. Jovanović ); TV series in the 1980s
  • Вукадин, novel 1903
  • Из књига староставних, stories 1903
  • Зона Замфирова, Roman 1906; Film: Serbia 2002 ( Director: Z. Šotra )