Steve Ditko

Steve Ditko ( born November 2, 1927 in Johnstown, Pennsylvania) is a signatory to the co-creator of the comic book superhero Spider -Man and Dr. Strange. In 1953 he started at Charlton Comics, drawing comics professionally. There, he created the character The Question, which he left in 1967 in the magazine Blue Beetle # 1 first appear.

Between 1958 and 1966 he shared a studio with Eric Stanton, a pioneer of fetish photography and significant Bondagekünstler the 20th century. Some of the works from this period show a Stanton's intense artistic influence Ditkos. Some critics even argue very clear evidence of collaboration between the two artists to be recognized. Ditko repeatedly denied their own contributions to the work of Stanton.

In 1968 he moved to DC publisher, but was unable to repeat his success of his Marvel Comics time there.
