Stimulus–response model

The stimulus-response ( SR ) or stimulus-response model is a model of behavioral psychology, the stimulus and response to the type of black-box model linked. The term appeal refers not here, as in physiology, a discrete physical event, but all the (relevant) internal and external stimuli of a given situation.


In terms of media coverage stating the model that media content is perceived equally by all recipients and cause almost identical reactions in the sequence. Here, the content of communication is equated with the direction of the effects. It is one of the earliest models for media effect, which has been refuted many times in the sequence ( see, eg, thesis of selective attention ) and can be considered obsolete.

In linguistics, the behaviorist stimulus - response model was used in the American structuralism ( Leonard Bloomfield ) as a model of the meaning of linguistic expressions. The meaning itself is determined as the speech situation in which someone expresses, and the reaction of the listener it. Since substantial parts of it are not observable for the linguists, the meaning is consequently excluded as an object of linguistic analysis.

By Bloomfield emphasizes the character user through the SR model, he prepared the linguistic pragmatics.

Criticized the reduction in performance on a stimulus-response model already for animals because it does not explain the species-specific spontaneous animal behavior. Against the reduction of human linguistic behavior on an SR model is argued that this behavioral hypothesis can not explain how never can be produced or understood previously belonged combinations of signs. Each "genuine linguistic symbol " was already not be explained by the SR model. This can at best standard verbal associations as father - tell mother

Variants / enhancements

Important variants and further developments are the stimulus-response -consequence model ( stimulus-response - outcome) of instrumental conditioning, the stimulus - organism -response concept (SOR ) and the SORKC model dar.
