Stoney Littleton Long Barrow

Stoney Littleton is one of the best preserved Neolithic (4000-2500 BC) megaliths in England It is situated south of the hamlet of Wellow and Bath in the County of Avon in Bath and North East Somerset.

The southeast-northwest oriented system of the type Cotswold -Severn tomb consists of a wedge-shaped than 30 m long and 15 m wide front, almost three meters high hill located on a slight slope. The south- eastern funnel-shaped indented square shows a fossilized ammonite impression in the left door post of the gallery. This stone is apparently has been specially selected for this purpose. Access is crowned by a huge fall. As with Belas Knap the hill is surrounded by low towards the end leaking dry masonry.

Restoration work to ensure that visitors to the interior of the hill with the 16 m long gallery of places only barely able to visit more than one meter in height. There are on both sides of the gallery three side chambers and at the end is the head chamber.

It is unknown how many bodies were buried in the complex, which was opened in 1760 and subsequently looted, although it was excavated in 1816 and found a considerable number of bones, and some cremations were detected.
