Stora Sjöfallet National Park

The national park Stora Sjöfallet is located in the north of Sweden, near the Norwegian border. He belongs to the Laponian World Heritage Site. The park was established in 1909 and covers an area of 1278 km ². The southern part belongs to the high mountains, covered with coniferous forest, in the west rise glaciated peaks, of which the Akka is the most impressive. It is also called the "Queen of Lapland ". Towards the Norwegian border to a barren plateau attracts. Through the National Park to pull the mountain lakes of the river Stora Luleälven. The lake Akkajaure is now a reservoir whose dam is at Suorva. Because of the economic use of water power of Akkajaure Reservoir has been carved out of the National Park. The littoral zone of the reservoir is due to water level fluctuations ( between 423-453 m) of low vegetation and often desolate view. The long Akkajaure divides the park into a northern and a southern area.

His name has this Swedish National park of the famous waterfall Stora Sjöfallet, which can be found in the same place. In the language of the Sami indigenous people of the waterfall is called Muorkke. Before the Akkajaure was dammed, the Stora Sjöfallet waterfall was a gigantic spectacle of nature, because right up to the Sitasjaure Lake and drains the whole rainfall from the west adjacent region, from parts of Sarek National Park and the entire National Park Padjelanta to the Norwegian border exclusively about him were. Today the water is passed through a technically challenging underground kilometer long system of pipes that serves the energy. Only rarely, for example, when the snow melts, the runoff at Stora Sjöfallet increased. Then you can imagine how big this waterfall must have been in earlier times.

Flora and Fauna

In the park grow plants as Monkshood, the Fjällpestwurz ( Petasites frigidus ) or the Alpine Milchlattich. The avifauna is dominated by golden plover, Buzzard and Ptarmigan.


The adjacent National Park is the largest wilderness area in Sweden Moor Sjaunja.


The National Park is easily accessible, a road runs through the park. Within the park there are many hiking trails, such as the King's Trail. Some of the peaks can climb in day trips.

The Stora Sjöfallet National Park in the World Heritage Laponian
