Store Vildmose

57.2036199.822464Koordinaten: 57 ° 12 ' 13 " N, 9 ° 49' 21" E

Store Vildmosen ( Big Wild Moor ) is located in northern Jutland ( Vendsyssel ) about 20 km north- west of Aalborg. It was with an area of ​​about 50 km ² once Denmark's largest raised bog. The actions undertaken since the 1920s, drainage measures, the area has, however, significantly reduced. However, some areas are still relatively untouched and give an impression of the nature of this bog.

Origin and history

The peat of the bog lying on glacial and marine deposits from the last section of the Quaternary. The oldest proven by drilling peat layers are about 7000 years old. With interruptions, which were caused mainly by marine transgression in the Holocene, the peat formation continued with varying intensity until modern times. It was only through the influence of the man who began before the turn of time to drain the swamp, where he did farming and peat degraded as construction and fuel, the natural evolution of Moore's came to an end. From the activities of people around 2000 years ago announce today from this period originated stepping stones in the store Vildmosen north Aby Bjerg. About this stone row of spots Sandels Bjerg dry feet could be achieved. Today's total thickness of peat is in the south, still close to nature in many parts section of the bog in places almost 4 meters, but in the other parts of the bog usually significantly lower. In some places the peat layer was more than halved at the turn of the 19th to 20th century, principally through peat extraction as well as by drainage and dehydration. Accordingly, in the 20th century there was an areal reduction of the bog.

Scientific Importance

The special value of a pristine raised bog consists in the information content of its peat. The natural raised bog vegetation is transformed over time to peat. Each year, a new peat layer stores in the centers include pollen, dust particles and chemical substances. The mighty peat bog one therefore reflect, among other things, the vegetation at the time of peat formation, provide information about the past climate history and the environmental changes in that time. The result is a mostly several thousand -five years into biological- geological archive of inestimable scientific value. Such archives are extremely rare in Denmark and throughout the Northwest European lowlands. Store Vildmosen, with its sections obtained in a largely natural state is a prime example of such an archive and therefore known as an internationally significant geological object on Denmark's borders.


For centuries, the Moor was used by the local farmers to cut turf for heating and to cut reeds for thatching. In the 19th century attempts edge pieces of the moor was to make arable.
