
The Storify Inc. is an association founded in San Francisco, United States of Xavier Damman and Burt Herman in September 2010 online service in the social network and blogging platform on the web and serves as networked Kuratierinstrument for the integration and the configuration of digital content for websites, microsites and advertising campaigns, including predominantly of Twitter tweets. 2013, the Company announced that around 850,000 users, including mainly journalists, agencies and brand companies use the platform. There is a basic free version and paid applications for the editorial management, galleries, user evaluations and automated filtering and analysis.

People use to write articles and information, the drag and drop method, and have the option of multimedia content, such as messages ( tweets from Twitter, YouTube or Vimeo videos, photos from Flickr), small audio files and RSS feeds to concatenate and post. Journalists, for example, have the ability to embed eyewitness accounts from the scene in sites with its own URL or in a frame on the website in a narrative. Similarly, the integration of mobile apps and in television programs.

In September 2013, took the Livefyre Inc. (California, USA) Storify, and plans to integrate it into its platform with comment functions. Livefyre already provides services for care in the field of social media (eg Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) and supports user involvement in the media companies and brands on the Internet. The company draws on content from users in social media.
