Strain (injury)

A muscle strain, also called distension, refers to the process of a non-physiologically occurring muscle strain. In contrast to the hamstring visible in the MRI edema is present in the muscles. Macroscopically, no tears of muscle fibers are visible.


PECH - rule ( Rest, Ice, Compression, elevation ). For cooling are the best ice ( not directly apply ) or cold water ( exposure time about 20 minutes). The aim of the immediate treatment is the reduction of bleeding into the muscle and the avoidance of swelling. For this purpose, a cooling within the first few minutes is required. A consistent elevation of the extremity, and an elastic bandage for compression are crucial to prevent swelling in the first few hours. Later slight movements are good, so that the tissue is well supplied with blood and regenerates faster. An ice treatment is used when necessary, only the relief of pain.
