Strathcona Composite High School

The Strathcona High School is a school in the city of Edmonton, Alberta in Canada. The school is named after the Canadian entrepreneur and politician Lord Strathcona Donald ( 1820-1914 ).


The school was founded in 1908 with 71 students and was first in the Old Scona building a few blocks away from the current site housed. In 1955 the present large building was occupied. The school is the oldest still existing school in Edmonton.

Strathcona High School today

Today, 1,500 students attend the school. The school has with the Strathcona library through a library that is available to students around the clock and every day.

At sports basketball, American football, volleyball, cross country skiing, athletics, golf, rugby, football, badminton and swimming are offered. The school presented several times champions of the province championships in several of these disciplines.
