Østre Toten

14,819 ( March 31, 2013 )

The municipality Østre dead is the southernmost municipality of Oppland Fylke and belongs to the region Gjøvik. Østre dead is managed by the City Lena. Larger settlements are Bilitt, Kapp, Lena, Skreia and Solvang, total living on March 31, 2013 14,819 inhabitants in the municipality.

The highest elevation is the Torseterkampen with a height of 841 meters.

The municipality is located on the west side of Lake Mjøsa and has a north- south length of 32.9 km (by water 33.8 km ) and an east- west distance of 24.8 km (by water 26.1 km ). It is 562 km ² of which 113 km ² and 267 km ² for farming to forestry to be used. This makes it the sixth largest agricultural municipality in Norway. It leek family ( leeks, onions), strawberries and raspberries are there corn, cabbage, turnips, carrots, terraced.

Industry is set substantially to food. Thus, potato chips, potato flour and other finished products are made. But the timber industry with sawmill is represented. Thus, the largest crate production in the whole country is here. And metal industries, particularly aluminum, is to be found.

The highest forest area of ​​the municipality is Totenåsen in south with large areas of unspoiled nature.

In Lena, the singer and actress Inger Lise Rypdal was born.
