Structural Marxism

Structuralist Marxism is a technology developed in the 1960s variant of neo-Marxism, which primarily reflect the philosophical work Louis Althusser and Etienne Balibar, the state- theoretical work Nicos Poulantzas and the economic ethnological works Maurice Godeliers in France a similar meaning to the work of the Frankfurt School in Germany won. Structuralist Marxism is a foreign name, which was rejected by Althusser himself.

In Claude Levi- Strauss's ethnological works of classical Marxism is intertwined with the general structuralism. Similar to the Althusserian Maurice Godelier students linked historical materialism with a structuralist approach.

Against the humanistic Marxism of Marx's early writings rises Althusser 's claim of a scientific Marxism, which examined objective structures.


A vehement intra- Marxist critique of Althusser's structuralism and devaluation of history practiced the English historian EP Thompson with the verdict, Althusser's theory is a " theory more composed Stalinism " and the " ideology of the elite ."
