
Stunt comes from English and means as much as " particularly clever or daring feat ". The word is, however, very Germanized and is primarily used in reference to film scenes where the dangerous scenes that are not to be expected of the stars, to be done by stuntmen or stunt women.

There are many different kinds of stunts. The most common are:

  • Falls, for example, stairs or buildings
  • Projections, for example of windows
  • Staged fights, also with ( shot ) weapons ...
  • Stunts with vehicles such as accidents, trick riding

The Stunt Companies usually offer complete services, as so-called 2nd Unit ( second unit).

This includes, among other

  • Stunt coordination
  • Special effects ( SFX) (such as fake blood, pyrotechnics, weapons)
  • Mask
  • Own team with camera, lighting, sound

Computer Controlled Vehicle - - If vehicle stunts that would be even too dangerous for the stuntman, a remotely operated vehicle, or a computer-controlled vehicle (CCV ) system used. This can be done without risk spectacular vehicle crashes (eg, frontal impact, rollover, fall into a ravine, etc.).

Nowadays stunts are often performed before the blue screen because this method is very versatile and dangerous. For example, the actor is hung on ropes in a studio for a deep fall and a wind machine ensures the coming of down wind. The blue canvas is then replaced by a moving background on the computer; about by a recording that was picked up by a skydiver. This principle is also applied at car races, chases, fights on moving trains etc.. The ropes are removed with the aid of the computer, so the cinematic illusion is not disturbed.


  • Moving