Subantarctic fur seal

Subantarctic fur seal (Arctocephalus tropicalis )

The Sub-Antarctic Fur Seal (Arctocephalus tropicalis ) is a way of Southern Fur Seals. The scientific name tropicalis is because the first specimen described by Gray should originate from the north coast of Australia apparently. However, it is likely that this was a mistake, because in these tropical regions has since then never again encountered a sea dogs of this type.


Bulls are 180 cm long, cows about 140 cm. The weight is 150 and 50 kg. The Sub-Antarctic Fur Seal can be easily distinguished from other species by its color pattern: He is colored gray-brown on the upper side, chest and face are white and male also wearing a black tuft of hair on the forehead.


The Sub-Antarctic fur seal lives on isolated islands around Antarctica. More than three quarters of the total number living in the colony on Gough Iceland. The second largest colony is on the belonging to the French Antarctic Territories Amsterdam Island. There are also colonies on Tristan da Cunha, Inaccessible Iceland, Iceland Nightingale, the Prince Edward Islands, the Crozet Islands and the St. Paul Island. Outside the breeding season can be found wandering individual animals along the coasts of South America, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand as well as South Georgia, Iceland Heard, Macquarie and Juan Fernández. Here they will mingle with the local colonies there other types of fur seals.


During the 18th and 19th century, all large colonies of seal hunters were almost destroyed. So lived on Gough Iceland 1892 only 300 fur seals; meanwhile the local colony is estimated at 250,000 fur seals and is growing further. The total world population is estimated at 320,000.

Threats and conservation

The Sub-Antarctic Fur Seal is located in the Red List of Threatened Species IUCN, but it is rated not endangered ( Endangered ). However, he is listed as all kinds of its genus Arctocephalus in CITES Convention CITES, Appendix II. He thus enjoys worldwide protection from unrestricted commerce. This status is taken 338/97 Appendix B also by the European Union in the EU Wildlife Trade Regulation (EC ) No. This is reflected in turn in the Federal Republic of Germany in the Federal Nature Conservation Act down, where the species is known to be particularly protected.
