Subject of labor

Under item of work etc. understood by the REFA definition all materials, goods, information media, which are varied in terms of the work item in a working system in their state, their shape or position.

Meaning of the term in Marxism

The term work object undergoes an extended social significance in Scripture, the capital of Karl Marx.

The general object of labor was after this understanding first the earth. It also distinguished between the given from nature work items (ore, petroleum, natural gas, coal, wood, etc. ), the man from the nature surrounding it won immediately ( the ground, the waters, the forest ), and the already machined work pieces ( the wood in the sawmill, the ore in the smelter, the oil in the processing plant, etc.).

The latter were referred to as raw materials or raw materials, semi-finished products, etc.. The objects of labor formed together with the equipment, the means of production. They were in the field of material production to the production fund, namely the production revolving fund.

With the development of social production, the natural sciences and technology, the amount of work objects acquired by the company increased, and new and useful properties of the objects of labor were discovered. At the same time, this development led and the social division of labor means that from the same amount of work objects more end products could be produced.

Under the conditions of the scientific - technical revolution of the production process and the work items in the system of productive forces played a more important.


  • Work planning
  • Work study
  • Marxist Economic Theory
  • Business Language (DDR )