SUBSAFE is a quality assurance program for nuclear submarines of the United States Navy.

SUBSAFE was started in 1963 after the sinking of the USS Thresher (SSN -593 ). All submarine systems that are exposed to water pressure were monitored throughout the program, and, if necessary, revised. The materials were tested which were used, for example during the welding of pipes. The breach of such a line is considered as a trigger of loss of the Thresher.

All nuclear submarines that were already in service and under construction, had to be SUBSAFE certified, which caused, among other longer -dock periods and thus high costs. However, the measures taken were effective, but went no certified submarine more lost. The USS Scorpion (SSN -589 ), which fell in 1968, had not yet received the overhaul.

In September 1967, the USS Skate ( SSN 578 ) completed the conversion and certification from the first submarine.
