
The Sudairi clan is an influential family in Saudi Arabia, who has fought on the side of the Saudis for their power and maintain power for over a hundred years.

Ibn Saud's mother was Sara al- Sudairi and he himself was married to three women - Sudairi. One of these women was Hasa bint Ahmed As- Sudairi, the mother of the Sudairi Seven. The father Hasas, Ahmed ibn Muhammad As- Sudairi, was an ancient battle and traveling companion of Ibn Saud and substantially involved in the reconquest of power in the Najd. To secure the power, later occupied sons of Sudairis as faithful companions of the Saudis, the governorships of numerous provincial and border towns.

To date, marry numerous sons and grandsons of Ibn Saud, who Sudairi blood in their veins, usually also at least one woman from the Sudairi clan. In the hierarchy of aristocracy Saudi Arabia this family stands right behind the gender of the Saudis and the religion reformer Ibn Wahab third family.
