Suillus sibiricus

Ringed stone pine boletus ( Suillus sibiricus subsp. Helveticus )

The ringed stone pine boletus ( Suillus sibiricus subsp. Helveticus ), also called the Helvetian grains Boletus, is a fungus of the family of Schmierröhrlingsverwandten. It grows in symbiosis ( mycorrhiza ) especially with stone pines, often together with the related pine Boletus.

  • 6.1 Literature
  • 6.2 Notes and references


Macroscopic characteristics

The hat of the Ringed pine - Röhrlings has a diameter of four to eight or more than ten centimeters. He is at first hemispherical, later upholstered shaped to spread and hunched dull. Sometimes the edge is dented side. The surface is smooth. The brim is initially rolled up and hung with showy white Velumresten. The ranges in color from pale yellow to yellow over strong brown with pale brown, brown or reddish-brown spots of various sizes also.

The tubes are long up to about ten inches. They are grown on a stick or sometimes run a bit down. They are dirty yellow, later pale ochraceous to brownish colored yellow and finally brownish olive. The pores have an elongated rectangular shape, and they are often about one millimeter long. Especially towards the edge they are clearly aligned radially and run down to the ring approach. The pores are only pale yellow, then pale ocher to ocher colored. Under pressure they turn reddish brown at first, then brownish olive. Often located at the pore Guttationstropfen that leave during drying wine-red to dark brown spots.

The stem is about three to eight inches long and one and a half inches wide. He is plump, subcylindrical in shape and sometimes at the base, more rarely towards stem apex, somewhat thickened. Sometimes he is also tapered towards the base. The ranges in color from whitish to pale sulfur- yellow, brownish towards the base. The white points glands that are located on the entire stem length, exude a liquid through which the stem claret later, reddish brown strong brown stains. The woolly, white velum is not greasy and designed according to the Aufschirmen of the hat as a volatile ring. The Basalmycel is rust-colored.

The flesh is firm at first, but later soft. The hat is straw yellow to pale sulfur- yellow. In case of breach, it sometimes turns reddish brown. It has a slight sour taste and a faint smell. With ammonium hydroxide, it turns pink only stronger in the hat.

Microscopic characteristics

The spores measure 9.0 to 12 times from 3.8 to 4.5 (5.0 ) microns. You are elliptically shaped to fusiform, smooth and straw-colored to pale yellowish ocher. The basidia are 25 to 35 times from 6 to 10 microns in size, clavate shaped and viersporig. The cheilocystidia are 75, sometimes 90 microns in length and 7 to 12 microns wide. They are cylindrical, clavate or lanceolate and are tufted. They are hyaline young, encrusted later brown and dark brown.

The Hutdeckschicht consists of up to 5.5 microns wide hyphae of ocher- brownish color. The cover layer is composed of tufted stem seated Caulozystiden which are shaped similar to the cheilocystidia. In between are hyaline elements, which can be also be configured as fertile basidia.


The Ringed pine Boletus is characterized by brown or wine -brown-spotted hat, the pronounced velum, the glandular points on the stem, the large pores and the mycorrhiza with five noble pine species. The subsp. sibiricus has darker colors. She is known only from Russia ( Altai ), Tanzania and the United States (Michigan).


The Ringed pine Boletus is a mycorrhizal fungus that with the pineal pine forms a symbiosis in the first place. In addition, he can also be found at Weymouth and the Rumelian jaw. The fungus grows in addition to the natural resources of its mycorrhizal partner in plantations and avenues. He is often to be found at forest road edges and thin places, where he can also grow in the grass. The fruiting bodies appear from July to September.


The Ringed pine Boletus is to be found in Europe in the area of ​​the pineal pine at elevations from 1700 to 2300 meters. Mostly it grows in deeper regions. He is found in Germany, France, Italy, Austria and Switzerland, especially in the area of the Alps. In addition, it is also found in Slovakia and Macedonia. Especially in the Central Asian mountain regions takes the subsp. sibiricus on.


The Ringed pine Boletus is edible.

