
Wild boar

The pig -like ( Suina ), also known as " non-ruminants " ( Nonruminantia ) denotes, are a suborder of the Artiodactyla. They stand out in comparison to the calluses Ohlern and ruminants by a relatively small profession. Your stomach is two or dreikammerig and not capable of rumination. Among the non-ruminants include two extant families, the Old World or the Real pigs ( Suidae ) and the New World or peccaries ( Tayassuidae ). In addition, an extinct group of large pig -like animals is placed in the Suina that Entelodontidae.

Previously, the hippos were included in this group, but after recent molecular genetic studies, they are not closely related to the pig -like, but they are the closest relatives of whales.


  • Real pigs ( Suidae )
  • Peccaries ( Tayassuidae )
  • Entelodontidae †