Sun (heraldry)

The sun is a common figure commonly used in heraldry. As in the real world, even the appearance of a rising and setting sun in heraldry is used as a particular expression of the coat of arms carrier. Is the sun emblazoned on the right Obereck, that is, described, it is rising. In the left Obereck is then spoken by a setting sun. As a midday sun it is in the middle of the shield. The painting of the " Runds " with a human face is often shown in coats of arms. In contrast, in an empty circle, the sun is then uneducated or the sun is without a face. The solar circuit is often metal - tinged, as in gold or silver. The number of rays alternately straight and round, should be limited to sixteen. Are the rays straight, so they are bright, otherwise they will be named as flamed.

Known as the White Sun of representation is a twelve-radius white sun in blue and was from 1928 to 1949 in China's national emblem. Now this is shown only on the flag and coat of arms of the Republic of China ( Taiwan).


Midday sun in the arms of Jan Zyndram of Maszkowic

Sun in the arms of the Sonnenberg- Winnenberg

Midday sun in the arms of Wiesbaden -Sonnenberg

Midday sun in the arms of Sonnenberg ( Vechelde )

Midday sun in the arms of Bludenz

Midday sun in the arms of Sankt Gilgen

Midday sun in the arms of Sun Mountain in Mühlkreisautobahn

Midday sun in the arms of Kamjanez - Podilskyj

Small coat of arms of Latvia

White Sun of the state emblem of the Republic of China

Flag of Tibet
