
As supination (Latin supinitas = " bent-back position" ) is used in medicine and anatomy, the outward rotation of the hand indicated by rotation of the forearm so that the radius and ulna are parallel after the rotation side by side. When hanging arm palm facing forward now.

Pronation is the opposite position of supination. During this rotation of the forearm is the radius and ulna are crossed; the hanging arm palm facing backwards now.

At the foot supination describes the raising of the inner margin of the foot while reducing the outer.

Supination of the forearm

Supination (where the thumb is outward and the palm facing up) and pronation of the forearm is held by a rollover motion of the radius and ulna. Responsible muscles are biceps brachii ( biceps of the arm ), supinator muscle (Away Dreher ) and musculus brachioradialis. Participating joints are the radioulnar joint Proximal and distal radioulnar joint (proximal and distal ulnar joint).

Supination of the foot

At the foot supination describes the raising of the inner margin of the foot while reducing the outer. Supination is sometimes referred to as Auswärtskantung or eversion. The opposite movement is called pronation. Other movements of the foot, the plantar flexion and dorsiflexion.

The strongest muscle supinierende is the three-headed calf muscle ( triceps surae ), which is divided into the following two muscles:

  • Gastrocnemius muscle ( twin calf muscle )
  • Soleus muscle ( soleus )

In addition, the following muscles have supinierende effect:

  • Tibialis posterior ( posterior tibialis )
  • Flexor hallucis longus (long Großzehenbeuger )
  • Tibialis anterior ( tibialis anterior, has at best a weak effect supinierende ).

The supinatorisch acting muscles outweigh their counterparts (antagonists ). This is one reason that the foot during a jump takes a slightly supinated position. The foot gets back ground contact, so it may happen that he puts the Fußaußenrand and it bends over the outer edge, which can cause injury to the lateral ligaments.

Participating joints are the articulation subtalaris and articulation talocalcaneonavicularis (both together form the lower ankle ). The supination of the foot is superimposed by an adduction and plantar flexion. This is related to the position of the axis of movement of the lower ankle. The superposition of the three movements supination and plantar flexion adduction is also referred to as an inversion.
