Süreyya Serdengeçti

Süreyya Serdengeçti (* 1952 in Istanbul, Turkey) is a Turkish economist and a former head of the Turkish Central Bank.


After he had finished high school in Istanbul, he studied economics at the Technical University in Ankara, the Middle East and earned his bachelor's degree in 1979. From 1984 to 1986, he attended Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, and then received the Master degree in Economics.

Serdengeçri worked from 1980 for the Central Bank of Turkey. At first he worked in the debt section. In 1994 he was press secretary and general assistant for foreign policy, which is responsible for balance of payments and international institutions. His appointment as the 20th chief of the central bank was made by the Coalition Government on 14 March 2001.

Serdengeçtis term of office ended on 13 March 2006; he handed the post at Durmuş Yılmaz.
