Sven Lidman (writer)

Carl Hindrik Sven Lidman Rudolphsson (* June 30, 1882 in Karlskrona, † February 14, 1960 in Stockholm) was a Swedish writer.


He wrote religious books of devotion, historical novels, symbolic poetry and memoirs.

His works include the " Silfverstaahl " novels.

The young officer decadent, poets and fiction writers experienced a religious conversion in 1917 and was won in 1921 for the Swedish fast-growing Pentecostal movement. He will be there soon as a preacher and editor of the journal Gospel Härold after the founder Levi Pethrus a central position. This is described in Per Olov Enquist's novel Lewis travel.

His sons are Sven Lidman (1921-2011), editor of several encyclopedias, and Sam Lidman (* 1923), writer.
