Swan song

As a swan song refers to the last work of a musician or a poet. The last speech of a politician is often referred to in a broader sense of the word as a swan song. Other Title: Swan Song ( among others, Gottfried August Bürger, Clemens Brentano, Hedwig Dohm ). The last cycle of works by Heinrich Schütz from his death in 1672 called Swan Song (SWV 482-494 ), a typical late work. Famous is the last song cycle by Franz Schubert, which was compiled after his death by his publisher titled swan song.

The term goes back to an ancient Greek myth that says that swans before her death in a sad, but beautiful voice sing one last song again. In one version of this myth Cycnus wandered into a cottonwood grove on the banks of the river Eridanus, the death of his most loyal friend Phaëton mourning. Since the gods had pity on him and turned him into a swan from shining stars. Before Cycnus died from grief over the beloved friend, he sang to those of any other song of sad beauty unsurpassed way. In the Phaedo Socrates explains the song of the swans with their prior knowledge of the good in the underworld.
