Swedish Chess Federation

The Swedish Chess Federation (SSF ) ( Sw: Sveriges Schackförbund ) is the national chess federation in Sweden and was founded in 1917. The Swedish Chess Federation is a member of the World Chess Federation FIDE and the European Chess Union. The SSF organized among others, the Swedish single ( Schack -SM) and team championships (Allsvenskan) and returns the Tidskrift promote schack out as the association 's magazine.

President ( Ordförande ) of the SSF

Since its inception, the SSF had a total of 10 presidents, of whom Ludvig Collijn and Christer Wänéus were each 22 years the longest in office. Folke Rogard was during his tenure, first vice-president of FIDE, from 1949 he was FIDE President and remained so until 1970.


The SSF is divided into 25 sub- associations ( districts ). In essence, the district borders those of the countries with the following exceptions:

  • The Gävleborg is divided into the Gästriklands Schackforbund (SF) and the Hälsinglands SF.
  • The Västra Götaland County is divided into the Göteborgs SF and SF Västergötland.
  • The Västernorrland County is divided into the Medelpad SF and SF Ångermanlands.
  • The Skåne County is divided into the Nordskånes SF, the SF Nordvästra Skåne Skåne and the SF.
  • The Uppsala County is divided into the Roslagens SF and SF Upplands.
  • In Småland SF are the Jönköping län, Kalmar län and the Blekinge län together.