
Sydfalster Commune was until December 2006 a Danish municipality in the former Storstrøms office. Since January 2007, it was merged with the municipalities Nykøbing, Nysted, Nørre Alslev Sakskøbing and Stubbekøbing to Guldborgsund municipality. In addition to the administrative headquarters Væggerløse the places Gedser, Marielyst and Idestrup belonged to the community.

Faxe | Fladså | Holeby | Holmegaard | Højreby | Langebæk | Maribo | Mon | Nakskov | Nykøbing | Nysted | Næstved | Nørre Alslev | Præstø | Ravnsborg | Rudbjerg | Rodby | Rønnede | Sakskøbing | Stevns | Stubbekøbing | Suså | Sydfalster | Vordingborg

  • Danish municipality (1970-2006)
  • Guldborgsund community
  • Falster