Syndemis musculana

Syndemis musculana

Syndemis musculana is a butterfly of the family of the winder ( Tortricidae ).

  • 2.1 Flight times and caterpillars


The wingspan of the butterfly is 15 to 22 mm. The front and rear wings are usually colored gray, the color of the forewing ranges from a whitish gray to gray-brown. The intensity of the black drawing is variable.

Similar Species

  • Choristoneura diversana ( Hübner, 1817)

Way of life

The caterpillars of Syndemis musculana reach a length 16 to 18 millimeters and living polyphagous. Caterpillar food plants include Rubus spec., Birch ( spec Betula. ), Oak (Quercus spp.) As well as a variety of other trees, shrubs and grasses such as Norway spruce ( Picea spp.), Larches (Larix spp.), Willow (Salix spp.), Teufelsabbiss ( Succisa spec.), fence winds ( Calystegia spp.), burnet ( Poterium spec. ) and old herbs ( Senecio sp ). The larvae feed in a sheet or web of a spunbonded sheet.

Flight times and caterpillars

Syndemis musculana forms one generation per year, which flies from April to June. The caterpillars can be found from July to September. The mature caterpillars overwinter and pupate in the following year, April-May
