
Synura uvella

The Synurales are an order of diatoms. It consists of 4 genera.


The representatives are mainly flagellates, but there are also benthic surviving colonies known. The cells are covered with bilaterally symmetrical silica scales. The plastids have belt slats. The endoplasmic reticulum of the plastid membrane has no connection with the outer nuclear membrane. The DNA of plastids has an annular Genophor. Ocelli absent.

Among the plastid pigments include chlorophylls a and c1, fucoxanthin, violaxanthin, neoxanthin and Anthaxanthin.

Enthusiast cells usually have two forward flagella, one of which three-piece tubular hair wearing. This hair wear again at its stem short and long side hair.

The cells have two kinetosomes microtubular roots and a large, striped kinetosomes root ( Rhizoplast ).


The Synurales are one of the groups of Stramenopile. Among these genera are counted among others, the following:

  • Chrysodymus
  • Mallomonas
  • Synura
  • Tesselaria