Syphon Filter (series)

Syphon Filter is a computer game series of the Japanese console manufacturer and publisher Sony Computer Entertainment, which publishes the brand for its PlayStation family of products.


The name of the series is derived from the name of a bioweapon, which is central to the play action. The Syphon Filter can be used specifically for killing previously selected demographic groups. The series depicts Logan's ongoing efforts to prevent criminal syndicates involved in the production and use of the weapon. He faces conspiracy influential groups.

The series was developed by the U.S. development studio Eidetic, which was acquired in 2000 by Sony and renamed Sony Bend Studio. The event is presented from a third-person perspective. Syphon Filter is a stealth computer game where the aim is to avoid open confrontation. Therefore, appropriate mechanisms like a cover system are currently in later titles included. The first two games sold over a million copies.


Published title
