Ta' Pinu

The Sanctuary Madonna ta ' Pinu ( Blessed Virgin Mary of Ta' Pinu ) is located about 700 meters from place Gharb on the island of Gozo in Malta and belongs to the diocese of Gozo. Work on the church began on 30 May 1920 and it was consecrated on 10 August of the same year by Pope Pius XI on 31 August 1932. raised to the basilica. The church was built in the Romanesque Revival style in the interior includes 6 mosaics, stained in 76 colors and numerous votive offerings. The bell tower has a height of 61 meters.

To this day, every year there is a pilgrimage, which dates back to a Marian apparition. On July 22, 1883 happened Karmni Grima, a woman from Gharb, the old chapel which stood on the site of today's Basilica at the time. From whose interior they 've heard it the Mother of God 's voice, calling on her to speak three Hail Marys. Karmni Grima had complied with the request, whereupon miraculously her seriously ill mother was healed.

In May 1990, the sanctuary of Pope John Paul II visited during his Malta trip.

A panel directly on the facade of the Basilica marks the beginning of the Cross with life-size marble figures, which leads to the hill ta ' Ghammar, where a small chapel and a meeting place in the form of a Greek theater form the end.

Pope Benedict XVI. dedicated to the Marian shrine on the occasion of his trip to Malta on 18 April 2010, the Golden Rose.

Choir inside the Basilica

12th Station of the Cross
