Tagoi language

Spoken in

Niger - Congo

  • Kordofanian Rashad languages


The language Tagoi is a Kordofanian language, closely related to the Tegali, and is near the town of Rashad, spoken in Southern Kordofan in Sudan, about 12 N, 31 E.

Unlike tegali that language has a complex noun class system, which appears as if the language of Tagoi far more typical Niger - Congo languages ​​accepted borrowings. It has several dialects, including Umali ( Tumale ) Goy ( Tagoi proper ), Moreb and Orig ( ŋóóriɡ, Turjuk ).


  • Thilo C. Schade & Berg Philip Elias, based on the notes of Fr Carlo Muratori. A Description of the Orig language ( Southern Kordofan ). Archief voor Anthropology No. 26 Centre Royal de L' Afrique Centrale Tervuren, 1979.
  • Single language
  • Kordofanian