
Tapkowice is a village located in powiat tarnogórski in Silesia, Poland. Since 1997 it belongs to the rural community Ożarowice.

From 1973 to 1996 Tapkowice was the capital of Gmina same name. From 1975 - 1998 the village belonged to Katowice Voivodeship.

Tapkowice lies on the northern edge of the Upper Silesian plate, about 21 km north of Katowice and approx.12, 5 km east of the county town of Tarnów Gory.


The village is right on the Droga Krajowa 78 ( Tarnów Gory - Siewierz ).


In the village of one of the two primary schools located ( szkoła podstawowa ) the municipality Ożarowice. In the village there is also the library of the church, it is housed in a cultural center.


Celiny | Niezdara | Ossy | Ożarowice | Pyrzowice | Tapkowice | Zendek

  • Place of Silesia Voivodeship
  • Gmina Ożarowice