Taukihepa / Big South Cape Island

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Big South Cape Iceland ( Māori: Taukihepa ) is an island south-west of Iceland Stewart at the southernmost point of the mainland of New Zealand.

The island, about 1.5 kilometers west of the South West Cape is located and administratively belongs to the region of Southland is 939 acres in size, and measures 235 feet at its highest point.

To the northwest of the island is the main group of Southwest chain of Titi Islands. Immediately to the south of the island lies Poutama Iceland, Iceland and north are Pukeweka Rerewhakaupoko Iceland or Iceland Solomon and the so-called "boat - Group" of the Southwest chain of Titi Islands.

The island was with Pukeweka and Rerewhakaupoko the last refuge of the Südinselunterart Tieke or semi bird. House rats reached in 1963 Taukihepa and its neighboring islands, presumably with boats " Mutton Birders " that were on the hunt for shearwaters ( titi or Muttonbird ). Just a quick rescue operation of the New Zealand Wildlife Service (now Department of Conservation ) rescued the Südinselunterart of Tieke from extinction, while the local populations of Südinselschnepfe, Forest panties and Great New Zealand bat fell victim to the rats. 36 Tieke were brought by Taukihepa on two small, rat -free islands, have established themselves there and have since settled on other islands.


  • New Zealand Travel Atlas, Maps Wise Auckland. ISBN 0-908794-47-9
  • Island (New Zealand)
  • Island (Australia and Oceania)
  • Island ( Pacific Ocean )
  • Stewart Iceland