Taylor number

The Taylor number (Ta ), named after its discoverer Geoffrey Ingram Taylor, is a dimensionless parameter to describe the tendency for the formation of Taylor vortices.

The diameter of the Taylor vortices is approximately equal to the gap width. These Taylor number is related to the Reynolds number Re at the inner cylinder in the following way:

  • ρ = density of the fluid,
  • ω = angular velocity,
  • ν = kinematic viscosity,
  • = Outer radius,
  • = Inner radius.

The Taylor number, which describes the occurrence of Taylor vortices depends reciprocally on the kinematic viscosity. If the viscosity is too large, the Taylor number decreases to disappear below a critical value and the Taylor vortices.

Above a critical Taylor number which depends on the ratio form of Taylor vortices. (For example for ( " wide gap " ) or ( " narrow gap " ) ).
