Technician Fifth Grade

Technician Fifth Grade (also abbreviated Tech 5 or T / 5 ) was a rank of the U.S. Armed Forces for technical specialists during the Second World War.

So could convened soldiers who by their civilian life important skills possessed (such as radio technicians, medical personnel, linguists, etc.) are used in the armed forces in their specific area of ​​expertise.

Therefore, in 1942 this rank was with the instructions of the U.S. War Department on January 8, introduced and set equal in grade to the rank of Corporal, and initially used his rank insignia. However, a Technician Fifth Grade not the command and command authority of a corporal held, therefore, its own rank insignia, a corporal - bar to distinguish them by decree of September 4, 1942 created with stylized "T".

Other Ranks rank this group

  • Technician Fourth Grade
  • Technician Third Grade
  • United States Army
  • Military history of the United States
  • NCO rank