Telephone numbers in Ivory Coast

Number Format

To call in the Ivory Coast, the following number schemes are used:

Yy xx xx xx calls within an area code zone

225 Yy xx xx xx calls from outside of the Ivory Coast

011 prefix for international calls from Ivory Coast

List of Ivorian code zones ( landline )

List of Ivorian code zones (mobile telephony)



  • Phone dialing codes of Ivory Coast (selection) - accessed on April 1, 2011.
  • Phone dialing codes of Ivory Coast (selection) - accessed on April 1, 2011.

Mobile telephony

  • Phone dialing codes of Ivory Coast (selection) - accessed on April 1, 2011.
  • Les surgeon de téléphonie mobile en Côte d' ivoire - called on April 1, 2011.