Tell Hassuna

36.16666743.1Koordinaten: 36 ° 10 '0 "N, 43 ° 6' 0" E

Tell Hassuna is an archaeological site in northern Mesopotamia.


The settlement mound (tell) is located about 35 kilometers south of the northern city of Mosul. The excavations date from the period between 7500-7000 BC


A homestead in Tell Hassuna can be regarded as the prototype of the farm at the end of the Neolithic. This homestead Tell Hassuna together with a group of similar plants a village that is likely to be typical of early farming settlements. The pottery found there is characteristic and eponymous for the entire period of the Hassuna culture.

The homestead is a clear system of perpendicular intersecting circle of walls. Core of the system is a rectangular nave. The access on the long side, it follows the principle of the transverse opening. The main room goes through the whole width of the house, four smaller rooms are located in pairs on both sides. The main house is attached a wing at right angles, presumably as stables and shed. Both house wings have vertical masonry in ground floor height.
