Temperate grasslands, savannas, and shrublands

Prairie is a commonly held notion for all the vegetation types in which grasses ( Poaceae ) predominate and where trees are missing or play a subordinate role. From the perspective of use are to be expected grassland areas, which can not be used differently from natural and economic reasons. Interspersed with herbs grassland caused by grazing and / or mowing is one of the defining elements of many cultural landscapes. In some cases, several thousand years old, there are also grassland types, which have emerged in recent decades, or are in training.


By naturausbeutende use without site- sparing or enhancing the management of extensive grasslands emerged. The intensive agriculture formed through regulation of water and nutrient balance, the introduction of more productive plant species and use of controlled processes in the last 200 years, the so-called cultural grasslands, more narrowly referred to as economic grassland. If the management of too intense, this overuse entails a loss of habitat and structural diversity and leads to unstable ecosystems.

When culture grassland is very biologically diverse ecosystems. Especially in the preservation of traditional grassland types of conservation is very closely associated with the cultural protection. For residues of earlier cultural forms whose value is as a cultural heritage still neglected.

Examples of grassland ecosystems

  • Quilting
  • Savannas
  • Dry grasslands
  • Influenced by people, the culture grasslands ( grassland), with its pastures and meadows.

Prairie in Kansas

Meadow tundra in Alaska

Feed value

The feed value reflects the purely economic value of the crop and deviates from the societal value of the species. Highlighting this classification is due in the last decades of the increased focus on content values ​​used for agricultural production plants. The following tables and lists provide a forage value rating of some prairie plants under the provision of quality classes of grazing forage in the GDR from 1986. Here there is a link between low Futtwert and the degree of exposure according to the Red List.


Legumes and herbs

Poisonous or toxic plants suspicious

The following species are plants with toxic ingredients. There are also listed species where the suspected problematic ingredients for animal health. The exact effects, especially in low doses are poorly understood, healing effects on specific body areas are conceivable. Too high a concentration in the feed will result in the animals, depending on their size and depending on the plant species recorded to health restrictions.

Meadowfoam, autumn crocus, spurge, water hemlock, spotted hemlock, swamp horsetail, marsh marigold, anemones, columbine, Gold Yellow Buttercup, Burning Buttercup, Gifthahnenfuß, Sharp Buttercup ( greater occurrence ), rattle, Yellow Meadow Rue, globe flower, Bracken
