Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus

The Capitoline Temple (Latin aedes Capitolina ) was located on the southern summit of the Capitoline Hill in Rome in ancient Roman times the temple of the Capitoline triad, consisting of Jupiter Optimus Maximus, Juno Regina and Minerva. A sanctuary dedicated to these three deities is called the capitol. Since the temple was dedicated to Jupiter Optimus Maximus mainly, he (Latin Aedes Iovis Optimi maximi Capitolini ), Rome is also known as the Temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus.

In the temple, the cult images of the Triassic were each on a separate cella. The cella of Jupiter Optimus Maximus was in the middle, Juno and Minerva on the left to the right. In addition, there were other cult images, especially those with Jupiter closely related gods, such as the Summanus. On the roof was as Acroterion an image of Jupiter, which directs a Quadriga.

The pictorial decoration of the original temple consisted of terracotta statues, which were, according to Pliny of Vulca, an Etruscan artist from Veii, customized.

Architectural History

First construction

The temple was still promised in the King Lucius Tarquinius Priscus of time according to Dionysius of Halicarnassus, who also began the excavation work for the foundations, which must have been very difficult with the nature of the hill by modern investigations. Under his successor, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus, the last king of Rome, the building was allegedly largely completed. He was inaugurated but according to later tradition in the first year of the Roman Republic on September 13, 509 BC by Marcus Horatius pulvillus, the acting consul to whom this honor had fallen by lot. According to Plutarch, it should have happened in this temple consecration that Publicola, a competitor of Horatius, during the rite this (falsely ) report was that his son had died in the camp. Horatius however, a pattern of ancient Roman Aequitas, could not be put off and calmly finished the ceremony.

The Capitol had been repeatedly burned or destroyed in the course of history, but was always rebuilt on the same foundations. The footprint of the building is almost square, measuring 62 m × 54 m. Meanwhile, during excavations in parts of the foundations were exposed and can be seen today.

The exact layout of the plant is still hotly debated, so that several proposals for floor plans coexist. Until the excavations the supposed appearance was known by a relief showing the emperor Marcus Aurelius with family members at a scene of sacrifice. In the background, the Capitol is seen. The tetrastyle shown there can not be reconciled with the finds.

Alternative plan

Sacrifice scene with Marcus Aurelius. In the background the Capitol

Reconstruction of the 19th century (front view)

Second construction

A first time the temple was 83 BC, at the time of Sulla, during the Roman civil wars destroyed. This fire also burned the Sibylline books, writings with oracles of fabulous antiquity, who had been consulted in crisis situations of the state.

The new building of the temple was consecrated in 69 BC by Quintus Catulus Lutatius. The floor plan was retained, the materials used for the construction, however, were more precious.

In this second temple itself entrenched Brutus and the other assassins Gaius Julius Caesar. From Augustus, the temple was renovated.

Third construction

The second temple was burned down on 19 December 69, when it came during the four emperors year fighting between the troops of Vespasian and the defenders of the city. As the new emperor Vespasian hastened to rebuild the temple, and so instructed the knights Lucius Iulius Vestinus. The new building - again more magnificent than its predecessor - was consecrated 75.

Fourth construction

Already in the year 80, the third building burned down in a great fire in the city of Rome. Domitian, emperor since 81, built the fourth and most magnificent construction, which should outlast the following centuries. Both the roof and the doors were heavily gilded. According to Plutarch alone, the cost of the gilding 12,000 talents of silver, which would have been an enormous sum.

With this gold began in Late Antiquity and the Ruin: In the 5th century, the military chief Stilicho had the gold plates of the doors remove, Genseric finally removed the gold of the roof shingles and Narses parts of the statue jewelry. As a result, the still impressive building seems to be in danger of slowly until it was built over in the 16th century by a Roman noble family, as the Palazzo Caffarelli was built.

The location of the building fell into disuse in the 17th and 18th century the temple was even on the northern part of the Capitol, the arx, suspected. Only by excavations from the mid-19th century, the Capitol has been localized unequivocally again.


From the building remains of the foundations remain today only. An exposed piece of the wall of the foundation is to be seen within the palace curator in a separate department. In addition, can be seen on the Piazzale Caffarelli and in Via del Tempio di Giove single square of the temple.

