Term Catalogue

Measurement catalog is a abkürzender and generalizing term for various periodically published bibliographic references that appeared 1564-1860 to the book fairs in Frankfurt and Leipzig to give over the current directory listing information. The official title of the individual directories changed in the course. Novorum librorum, quos Nundinae autumnales, Francoforti 1564th celebratae, venales exhiberunt, catalogus listed the first measurement Frankfurt catalog 1564th " Meßkatalog. Michaelis 1860 " is short and sweet contrast, the title of the last catalog of the different series. In fact, several competing series came in the 16th and 17th centuries with the aim to market, to listen to the shows title. The project also has attacked the English-speaking world, where a separate series of Term Catalogues ran until 1711 at the end of 1668. Compared to the original German series had the English one 's own appearance and its own rhythm, the UK market custom outline.

The German fair catalogs

The first German measurement catalog was published for the Autumn Fair 1564 at Georg Willer in Augsburg and offered to 18 pages, the title to which its customers brought back the publisher of the Frankfurt Trade Fair. His later catalogs do it in German subtitles clearer: The title page of his Autumn measurement catalog 1569, listed " Verzeichnuß the neuwen books which had hawks in the Herbstmeß to Franckfurt in the Jar 1569 in public truck was sold it, and bey Georg Willern. are to get in Augsburg ". The printing location changed with the catalog of Autumn Fair 1567 in Frankfurt. The print Martin Lechler's acted here as a cooperation partner. The relocation of the local pressure shows that the catalog early a decidedly more widespread than was stated Willer in Augsburg look at his customers. As of 1571 the project of retrospect walked the tracks that brought Willer for its customers to Augsburg, gradually becoming one of the preview, in which the publisher, who came to the fairs announced their titles. Clearly visible is the in the annexes to which they drew attention to publishing projects that are still studied subscribers, or with the last section of titles that have been reported for the current measurement catalog so late that they are no longer properly previous to and already in the set fixed sections of the catalog could be arranged. At the fairs was swapped primary. Dealer traveled with few titles in larger pads to exchange this post as each other and thus extended their home ranges. The catalog allowed them to navigate the total supply. Customers, he later served as a current bibliography and as an indication about whom is interesting titles could subsequently be ordered by mail yet.

The fair catalogs of the 16th century have slight outline versions. It was not clear from the outset whether adding first all Latin and then should report all German titles - Willers first catalog did this - or whether it should be a Latin and a German section leads in every category. The latter presupposes that both markets were sort makes sense under the same headings. Always opened theology - at the beginning, in its two main denomination Roman Catholic and Protestant; a division of Reformed theology was added in the course of the late 16th century, but is found only in the catalogs of the 17th century regularly. Law, medicine, historical books and books of other arts were added in different arrangements. Poetry and music formed their own divisions, effectively precluded the novels. They are usually at the historical, einhgeordnet in older catalogs for the other tracks that appeared at the end without a clear structure.

Willers first catalog was divided - here with the stated amounts and percentages by:

The project of the Frankfurt catalog came even to him late 16th century under pressure, firstly, by the publication of a sectarian rivals, which should take into account the Catholic interests stronger, secondly, through experiments the City of Frankfurt, with an imperial privileged catalog to take controlling influence on the title listing and third, from 1594 through the beginning of the series Leipzig catalogs that made ​​it their mission to outwit the production for the Frankfurt and Leipzig knife.

The placed in Leipzig double catalog for both events proved to be the pioneering project and ran, apart from a few failures during the Thirty Years War from continuously until 1860 in the Leipzig catalogs in the course of the 18th century, the other Desigenänderungen took place. 1711 conversion to an alphabetical listing within the headings and 1760-1800, the dissolution of the old category system of theology, law, medicine and philosophical subjects prefaced the sciences in the four faculties so far. The emerging with the catalogs around 1800 reorganization gave the literature in the modern sense of the word own increasingly important. Novels, previously listed under the historical writings, received next spectacles own headings, before the whole category system of a generic division gave way, mainly separated books and magazines, and below this separation titles alphabetically listed.

English Term Catalogues

A first series of measurements catalogs published in London in 1617-1628 published by John Bills - initially as an English edition of the Frankfurt catalogs, then, 1622-1626 also extended by a supplement that should make the English offer available. 1668 opened without a recognizable recourse to this project in a series of initially laid by John Starkey catalogs under the title Mercurius Librarius, or, a catalog of books published in Michaelmas term. The unwieldy title was simplified in 1670: Catalogue of Books it was said from now on under the various datings. As Erscheinungsrhytmus they decided on four times the annual publication. The fairs to Hillary, Easter, Trinity and Michaelmas put the dates in February, May, June or July and in December or November. The project was committed in the course of the person Robert Clavell, who emerged as Mitteilhaber 1670 and died on August 8, 1711. As of 1708 the end of the series became apparent. 1708 and 1709 appeared Double catalogs. Between 1709 and 1711 there is a gap in the publication sequence. The Easter catalog of 1711 came out, is well below the attempt of the new foundation of the project. The structure was modernized structure, the catalog, however, remained without continuation.

The series published in London promised the title of the London publisher, but offered regularly publishers from Oxford, Cambridge, York, Edinburgh, and in rare cases also advertise from abroad space. Dublin, Amsterdam, Paris and Geneva are among the places of publication in the individual catalogs of listed titles.

Were financed the Term Catalogues per ad, which led to publications that came to less than a shilling on the market, remained underrepresented. 1670 this led to a rival project to the London publisher, which garnished their own catalog with a complaint about the Star Keys and Clavells project:

Comparing the title unlisted numbers in the measurement catalogs publications with the title numbers, which can be determined via the ESTC, it is found that the catalogs usually announced about a quarter of the total printed title. Goods of rapid consumption - so-called " volatile scriptures" or " pieces fugitives " were under-represented.

Outline and structure of supply

The 161 issues of the Term Catalogues were printed 1668-1711 show a continuous increase of the title numbers. The average catalog listed 109 items with an average of 10 sections. Some catalogs came here to up to 13 groups; the minimum was six sections in the narrow spring catalog from 1708. With 40 to 50 titles, the first catalogs were put on the market, which attracted the attack of the London publisher shaft up. The Easter catalog of 1689 listed in the turmoil of the Glorious Revolution 293 entries.

All catalogs opened with a section Theology ( Divinity ), all connected with the titles that were only reprinted at current fair. 86 % of the catalogs offered additional advertisements with notes of book projects that are still subscribers. In the order of the other categories, there were no rules. History (and policy) has repeatedly received the second place. The heading of the Miscellanies, the field is not clear unclassifiable writings appeared usually before the reissued titles. The other headings such as medicine ( Physick ), mathematics (often at the same time the roof for manuals of navigation and architecture), poetry and drama, music, maps and globes, playing cards and engravings, Latin ( and French titles ) appear regularly with their own entries on while the headings Heraldry and Astrology remained exceptions.

None of the catalogs offered a special section for literature or fiction. Novels were found in rule indented under the history books, sometimes even under the " Miscellanies ." The category " Poetry and Plays" remained Versproduktionen and spectacles reserved.

The following table listed for the decades the numbers of entries in the main categories have to spread the rareren:

When comparing the numbers with the information provided by the ESTC confirmed that the Term Catalogues remained highly selective. The ESTC lists titles in the fluctuation range from 13,000 to 23.000 entries for the individual decades. The Term Catalogue numbers remain at 20 % -30 % of this information. The catalogs of the 1690s have the most entries - the decade, however, falls in the ESTC rather behind the 1680s. The last decade of the catalog is under-represented after the continuation of the catalog after 1708 increasingly faltered. Basically, the political and religious days literature comes up short in the catalogs.

The series ended in 1708/1709. The traditional catalog for Easter 1711 began with a new numbering in the overall project and remains remarkable in its attempt to revise the structure of the entire catalog. The confusing unstructured category of reissued books is dissolved and subordinated to the new categories. They read 1) Divinity ( theology ), 2 ) History & Poli ticks ( History and Politics ), 3) Mathematical Sciences ( Mathematical Sciences ), 4) Physick & Natural Philosophy ( Medicine and Science ), 5) Philology ( philology ), and 6 ) Poetry ( poetry ). The new arrangement confirmed the importance of the categories in which took place the daily political disputes. The retained separation between issues and reissued titles available for the market, which is mainly defined as current.



  • The fair catalogs of the sixteenth century, ed. by Bernhard Fabian ( Hildesheim [ ua] ): Olms, Vol 1 1972 - Vol 5 ( 2001).
  • Catalogs of the Frankfurt and Leipzig Book Fairs 1594-1860 Olms Online Resource, Rights
  • The Term Catalogues, 1668-1709, With a Number for Easter Term, 1711 AD A Contemporary Bibliography of English Literature in the Reigns of Charles II, James II, William and Mary, and Anne. Ed. by Edward Arber, vols. 1-3. London: 1903/1905 / 1906.
  • Scan of volume 1, 1668-1682 http://www.archive.org/