Testicular atrophy

When testicular atrophy ( colloquially " shrink testicles " ), one or both testicles of the man greatly reduced. The volume is partially under a cubic centimeter. In general, a strongly atrophied testicles is not functioning - not a production of sperm nor of hormones. Where the value of about one cubic centimeter, is isolated yet reached a hormone production.

Causes can be: inflammation of the testicles, testicular rupture, trauma, circulatory disorders, abuse of anabolic steroids, myotonic dystrophy type 2, taking estrogen preparations and anti-androgens in transsexualism. In addition, testicular atrophy may also be caused by liver disease. There are also genetic causes, such as, for example, in the case of Klinefelter's syndrome.

  • Urology
  • Testicle