
As Tetrámeter ( altgr., Four ( multiple ) measure '; Latin octonarius ) refers to one of four double feet ( Dipodien ) existing meter. It occurs in trochaic, jambischem and anapästischem rhythm, both katalektisch and akatalektisch, depending on whether the last leg shortened by one syllable ( katalektisch ) or completely ( akatalektisch ) is.

The iambic tetrameter katalektische found especially among the Greek poets and comedians; the trochaic tetrameter with the Greek dramatists, the Latin comedians to bring forth a solemn movement, in Pervigilium Veneris and in the old Spanish romance, and finally in Platen poems (eg The grave in Busento ). The anapästische ( with individual spondaic words mixed ) tetrameter was used by Platen and Prutz, following the example of Aristophanes, the chorus verses their satirical comedies.

Trochaic tetrameter also form the traditional meter of the Finnish folk poetry in them, the Finnish national epic Kalevala was, for example drawn.

Example ( trochaic and akatalektisch ):


Tetrameter is also called a field meter with four scales.
