Texas Longhorn

The Texas Longhorn is a breed of domestic cow, which is known for its characteristic horns. May comprise a range of up to two meters, and are slightly bent upwards at their ends. Typical of the Texas Longhorn is the bright reddish-brown coat color.


The origin of the breed is disputed. Probably comes from the breed of accidental cross between Spanish and English cattle in Texas in the 1820s and 1830s. It is assumed that, among other things Corriente cattle. Became popular breed in the late 1870s. The large herds of bison were gone at this point and quartered the Plains Indians on reservations. This allowed that ranches were increasingly spread to the northwest. The animals of the breed Texan Longhorn were particularly well adapted to these living conditions. They had long legs and hard hooves, which also made ​​it possible to drive these cattle to the north, where they were processed into meat products. About 9 million cattle of this breed were spent on the Chisholm Trail and other cattle drives to the railroad and in the big cities and in particular in the Union Stockyards, slaughterhouses of Chicago.

The decline of the breed began in the late 19th century. The introduction of barbed wire and the improved transportation allowed a more selective breeding of cattle. The very lean Longhorn beef was also no longer in demand. The ability of cattle to be able to thrive with inferior vegetation on land, no longer mattered. The breed was already threatened with extinction in the 1920s. Rescued she was by the United States Forest Service, which together collected a small herd to let them graze on a reservation in Oklahoma. For the next few decades, therefore, a conservation breeding has only been operated. Today, it is estimated that breed because of their longevity to flourish their resistance to disease and ability on poor quality pastures. Some Texas ranchers entertain again herds of this breed because of their cultural and historical significance. The very lean meat is also back in demand, thereby reducing the amount continues to increase.


The Grant - Kohrs Ranch National Historic Site in Deer Lodge, Montana recalls the time of the Open Range, as a private Rancher their herds on public lands grazing left unregulated. The ranch also Texas Longhorns were kept and bred from the late 1870s. She is since 1972 owned by the federal government, is administered by the National Park Service and operated as a working ranch. Visitors can experience the livestock industry in the style of the late 19th century and participate in living history demonstrations.
