That Hideous Strength

The evil power ( That Hideous Strength ) is the title of the 1945 released third novel of the Perelandra trilogy, a sci-fi trilogy of British literature professor and writer CS Lewis.


As the NICE, the National Institute of Coordinated Experiments, buying up the Bragdon forest at Edgestow, near which the ancient Bracton College is that professionals and connoisseurs of the history of this area alarmed - and not only them. The initiates suspect rightly, that the establishment of modern research institutions is only an excuse to seize certain agents which are buried as a heritage from the Celtic period under the forest. Here once to Merlin, the wizard have made ​​King Arthur 's Round Table, knitted, the most powerful magician of all time. Hell threatens to break up when the unscrupulous manager of the NICE coming into possession of magic from ancient times.
