The 11th Hour (film)

11th Hour - 11:55 ( Original title: The 11th Hour ) is an American documentary film directed by and starring Leonardo DiCaprio from the year 2007 on the global climate change.


The film examines the causes and consequences of global climate change in the form of interviews with more than 50 scientists. Leonardo DiCaprio acts as a prominent presenter and narrator of the film.


At the realization of 11th Hour - 11:55 the film production companies Appian Way, Green Hour and Tree Media Group were involved.

The film was first presented on 19 May 2007 to the International Film Festival in Cannes the audience. The U.S. release date was August 17, 2007, and in German cinemas, he was seen from 15 November 2007.


The film a positive rating on the website Rotten Tomatoes peaked at 67 percent of the reviewers.

The lexicon of the International film ruled that the film is complex and breathless, and a huge wealth of information offering, but the site in need for the film to nachrecherchieren can.
