The Baptism of Christ (Verrocchio)

The Baptism of Christ is a painting by Andrea del Verrocchio with the assistance of the young Leonardo da Vinci and possibly one other person. It is the major example of the paintings Verrocchio and dates from the second half of the 15th century.

Client and emergence period

According to Giorgio Vasari's tradition Verrocchio created the painting as a commission for the Vallombrosanerkloster San Salvi in Florence. It is therefore one of the few paintings which can be safely attributed to Verrocchio. The art-historical literature may not be defined on a particular year of origin, the most far -called period is from 1470 to 1478, called is somewhat narrower yet from 1472 to 1475, mostly to the period " around 1475 ". The additions and revisions da Vinci may have drawn more to the 80 years of the 15th century. The painting was still in the 16th century in the monastery church of the customer, today it is in the Uffizi Gallery.


The representation of the Baptism of Christ follows a traditional approach. The two main characters are, the person baptized on the left and the right, John the Baptist, in the Jordan, where John empties a bowl of water over the head of Christ. Above the two central figures, whose dominance probably comes from the main activity as a sculptor Verrocchio, the hands of God and the dove as a symbol of the Holy Spirit are shown, together with the figure of Jesus, they form the Trinity. The sacred events are attached to the left two figures of angels. One of them is wearing a towel with which Christ can dry, according to another opinion the angel holds the clothing of the person being baptized. The background to the events depicted in three levels forms a rocky, wooded landscape behind John, and an expansive, ideal river landscape behind Christ and the angels.

Participating Artists

According to studies, art history has demonstrated two periods of emergence. The painting was first predominantly from hand Verrocchio, this painted in tempera, the image but left unfinished. Da Vinci created, according to Vasari, then the figure of the angel left, he was in the workshop of Verrocchio since about 1470 students. Da Vinci used no temperature but oil. Vasari reported on further action: "This ( the painting, author's note ) has Leonardo da Vinci helped him, who was still very young and his students at that time; he is an angel in that painting, which succeeded better than the other things; why Andrea, who recognized this, decided to lift a more brush, as Leonardo had so young yet been made in this art better. ". Leonardo created for the angel, whose face is shown in a three-quarter view, presupposes the already good knowledge of the shortening of the facial lines that other, hitherto unfinished parts, it is the hands of the right angel and the river landscape of the background. He revised still further, by Verrocchio already finished parts, mainly on the body and the face of the person being baptized. The art-historical literature says yet to see another hand, parts of the literature by Sandro Botticelli as also professionals involved artist out. Botticelli was, although he had his own workshop from around 1470, the group of agents to Verrocchio.

Differences in the representation

The main differences in the manner of painting, which can be seen in this painting is the opposite views Verrocchio and Leonardo in the treatment of light and color. Verrocchio's figures and proportions of the landscape are characterized by a harsh treatment of the surfaces and strong light- dark contrasts, mainly evident in the presentation of John. The figure looks at some sober, some heaviness can be attested to her. Leonardo's figure of the angel, the river landscape and the changing of him parts of Christ are made completely different from it. The colors go finely graded and slowly into each other, the hard contours at Verrocchio soft-flowing, blurred transitions to the hazy background. If Verroccchios clear lines still a role model for others, such as Filippino Lippi, so goes Leonardo, whose first critical imprinted picture that he is the image that already other ways. The sfumato developed by him is already apparent, but at this time he was still the " troubled students ".
