The Calamari Wrestler

  • Kana Ishida
  • Osamu Nishimura
  • Miho Shiraishi
  • Yoshihiro Takayama

The Calamari Wrestler (Japaneseいか レスラー, Ika resurā for jap. / Engl. Ika Wrestler ) is a Japanese movie from the year 2004.


Taguchi is a Japanese professional wrestler. Just as he has won the championship fight and get the belt of the winner, it is this still taken from the ring by a squid. In the subsequent fight against Calmar he is defeated by it. Taguchi can not get over the humiliation and meditates on it to defeat the octopus in a fight.

The manager of the wrestling federation try this in the meantime to make the new star of their league. But The Squid refuses to accept the terms and lose in a phony fight. More and more crystallized out that the octopus is a reincarnation of Kan -Ichi, the former training partner of Taguchi and former fiance of Taguchi's now fiance Miyako. This had retired years ago because of a serious illness from the sport.

Miyako begins an affair with the squid, causing it to transform back into Kan -Ichi. Only through a ritual in a Buddhist temple, it can be converted back into the mollusk. When he is in the ring to fight against Taguchi, he has to realize that this has become a ritual in an octopus. However, Kan -Ichi ( the Calmar ) can win the fight. A short time later, while shopping with Miyako however, it is crushed by a crab, which prompts him to fight in the ring.

In the decisive battle itself shows the great fighting power of the crab. However, it manages the squid at the last moment, the crab tear down the arms and to defeat them. Then this turns into Godozan, the supposedly died four decades ago the great masters of the sport. He explains that he is the father of Kan -Ichi (now again a man is ) and Taguchi 's and so both are brothers.


" Pronounced " trashy " fantasy comedy. A strange outlandish melodramatic Entertainment, the actor and director, however, quite seriously bring for display. "
