The Coming Insurrection

The Coming Insurrection is a political essay of 2007 under the title L' insurrection qui vient in French with the indication of the author Comité invisible ( Invisible Committee ) first appeared. 2009, the essay was revised and found mostly on the Internet widespread. The book was translated into several languages, including German, English and Spanish.

The authors of the book are not known. The police suspected Julien Coupat, but denied the authorship, as well as the editor Éric Hazan.


The Coming Insurrection refers to riots, demonstrations and riots in the years before the appearance of the text, for example, in Greece and France. The authors consider the revolts " symptoms of the collapse of the Western democracies " and proclaim as an alternative a society of federated municipalities and self-governing local, economic organizations. The book covers in seven chapters, the themes of identity, society, labor, space, economy, ecology, culture and civilization. In the practical part possibilities and necessities of a coming insurrection are presented.

The Comité invisible has already submitted three other writings of the group Tiqqun: theory of Bloom ( 2000), Cybernetics and Revolt (2001) and the theory of the boy - girl ( 2001).

Writing style

The treatise is written in very dense formulations. In many expressions reflection and interpretation are downright challenged and have the right understanding also imperative.

Reception in Germany

If the book discusses in detail the scene circles shortly after its release in 2007, the work underwent by a wide reception in France and the United States by the publication of the German edition in autumn 2010 the German speaking great attention. Especially in the arts pages of bourgeois newspapers published several reviews that were the work surprisingly abgewinnen many positive sides.

As the first mass medium -reviewed Friday the book and is that the book was " very skilled in scene set theory and engaging in reading" and an " attempt to make left and post-Marxist theory with very strong anarchist overtones to a wider audience ."

For the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sunday newspaper, it could be " the most important book of our time left theory ". Later, another author of the FAZ wrote on 26 November 2010, derogatory, it was unclear whether it would be a theory or literature and elaborates: "Above all, the authors hate big cities. More precisely, the urban area ', in which the difference between town and country had been transformed. , The city wants the synthesis of the whole territory ', a continuum of industrial agriculture, marketed natural parks, large residential complexes, holiday resorts. In them you will find the company itself represents. There are no villages, no Nahbeziehungen. The familiarity of the neighborhood had been destroyed, the binding to places, nature, seasons '. "

Taz said: " The book is the latest attempt to miss ultra- left politics a glamorous face. Situationism, anarchism and punk poetry Autonomous be mixed in a pamphlet crisp formulated ".

In November 2010, Der Spiegel had published extracts of the book. There it was, the essay was " the most radical and most problematic expression of a new social unease ".

The floor plans at some points to criticize the " martial " tone and the failure to take account of gender issues.

The Jungle World states: " Critics of the FAZ and the SZ discussed it extremely benevolent. This is questionable. Based on the theories of the Nazi jurist Carl Schmitt it is said in the book, " sixty years pacification " were " sixty years of democratic anesthesia ." In Germany this type of polemic should be unacceptable. "That sensation which arouses the work, be explained only in connection with the hook claw attack on the TGV from autumn 2008. The core idea of ​​the group is "a cybernetic constitution of power in the 21st century - that is a" decentralized power, " which is organized in transport, energy and computer networks ". The Jungle World criticizes: "The text [ ... ] owes much Nazi- colored theorists who are still rezipiert too uncritical of the post- modern left. Martin Heidegger and Carl Schmitt just " if it were " a kind of re-import ". Is stated a revisionist anti-modernism.

The right-wing conservative secession, however, estimated the manifest as probably of Chuck Palahniuk's novel Fight Club influenced " literary fiction " today, reporting its localization to the "right " back "Who now gets ready as a linker to dissect the corpse of clinically dead civilization ' who complains of uprooting, separation, detachment or even rationalization will have to admit that the Left itself in these developments had for a sizeable share and has. "

The political scientist Joachim Hirsch certifies that the essay, that its language " refreshingly different from the usual left-wing political manifestos " distinction. He criticized, however, that in the text, the Company was divided into many individuals, so that the authors ultimately of them criticized states only reproduced. " So one could ask whether the text is not an expression of the four corners of the society into squat ideological hegemony of neoliberalism. "


  • Invisible Committee: The Coming Insurrection. Edition Nautilus, Hamburg 2010. German edition. ISBN 978-3-894-01732-3.

( Original: L' insurrection qui vient )
