The Elder Scrolls Online

The Elder Scrolls Online ( in German: " The scrolls of the Old Online"; short ESO or TESO ) is a Massively Multiplayer Online Role- Playing Game ( MMORPG) developed by ZeniMax Online Studios. The game should appear for Windows and Mac OS on 4 April 2014.


The game is, as the preceded Games of The-Elder -Scrolls series, playing on the fictional continent of Tamriel. The time of action is about 1000 years before the events of the last published Skyrim and about 800 years before the games Morrowind and Oblivion.

The player's task is to fight against the Daedric Prince Molag Bal, which tries to bring all of Tamriel under his rule. To this end, he joins one of the three alliances in the game:

  • The Aldmeri Dominion, consisting of the High Elves, the Wood Elves and Khajiit
  • The dagger fall Alliance, composed of the Bretons, Redguards and Orcs
  • The Ebonheart Pact, consisting of the North, the Dark Elf and the Argonian

Game elements

Races and Classes

Tamriel is populated by ten different races: High Elf ( Altmer ), Wood Elf ( Bosmer ), Khajiit, Bretons, Rodwardonen, Orcs, Nords, Dark Elf ( Dunmer ), Argonian and Imperial. The Imperialists are initially just for the buyer Collectors Edition (Imperial Edition) playable. The player must choose one of four classes in addition: Dragon Knights, Templars, Nightblade or wizard.

Alliance Alliance ( PvP)

The struggles of the three alliances will take place in the province of Cyrodiil on the continent of Tamriel. The alliances to fight this to forts and positions in Cyrodiil to get control of the province with their intake. Through the system of the three alliances a good balancing is ensured, since the two inferior alliances can form an alliance against the dominant force in Cyrodiil. The ultimate goal is to conquer the imperial city in the heart of Cyrodiil. This is held at the beginning of the Daedric Prince Molag Bal, and later by one of the three alliances. The player who was most active in the struggle for the crown of Tamriel, is crowned after the conquest of the imperial city for a certain period to the emperor. The battle of the alliances takes place on instanced battlefields with a maximum of 2000 players per instance. The instanced battlegrounds are officially called in Elder Scrolls Online campaign. A campaign can last from several days to several years. Here, the player can move freely in Cyrodiil and meet players from the opposing alliances. Large groups of players often meet at strategically critical positions and fortifications. These key positions can be held by a particular group, and then serve it as a tactical bases for fast travel and the conquest of other areas. During the battles at the same time to 200 players can be mapped.

Player vs. Environment ( PvE)

The Questing is similar to the previous titles like Skyrim in order to obtain the typical Elder Scrolls feeling in a MMORPG. The PvE content can be managed as a group but also own good. It will be known from the Elder Scrolls games and popular NPC guilds such as the Fighters Guild, Mages Guild, Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood. The Thieves Guild and Dark Brotherhood, however, be integrated until the game's release.

Skill - lines

The skill - lines in The Elder Scrolls Online will be numerous. Previously known officially that there will be over 50 skill lines. Each class has three of his own skill lines. There are also skill- lines for races, weapons, armor, NPC guilds and AvA and World Skill - lines. Furthermore, can be " morphed " skills at reaching a certain level. The ability to select one of two standing for election effects is improved.


ZeniMax is a "mega server " technology for The Elder Scrolls Online. This means that all players will be divided into only two large servers around the world, each platform gets its own mega server. Problems that typically occur during the operation of highly distributed server should thus be systematically excluded. The Mega Server technology automatically created barriers, which assigns the player due to its preferences of a particular group matching players. The preferences can first specify the player, so it will be set as desired on one level of the Mega servers with guildmates and friends.


Was first officially confirmed the development of an online game by Bethesda Softworks in May 2012. On 8 November 2012, the game developers have released a video on YouTube in which they talk about the content and the development of the game. Since January 23, 2013 Registration for the beta is possible. The closed beta phase of the PC version has started on March 26, 2013. For the next-gen consoles, there is initially only one time exclusive beta on the PlayStation 4, a date has not yet been called for this purpose. If and when the Xbox One or the Wii U get a beta phase, is still unclear. A playable version of The Elder Scrolls Online was introduced in 2013 to the public for the first time at the Gamescom.


For the English-language original soundtrack number of famous actors were committed.

*) Lynda Carter ( Wonder Woman ) is married to Robert A. Altman, CEO of ZeniMax Media. In every Elder Scrolls since Morrowwind it enters into various roles to play, but always firmly in the role of Azura. However, the role itself is not important enough to occupy a well-known German dubbing voice for it.
