The Future of Ideas

The Future of Ideas - The fate of the commons in a connected world is a book published in 2001 Book of the Law Professor Lawrence Lessig of Stanford University in California. Lessig is a well-known critic of the extension of the copyright term of protection in the United States. The original English title is The Future of Ideas: the fate of the commons in a connected world.

While the artists copyright helps to be remunerated for their work, Lessig warns that the design thereof is too strict and it is granted for too long. He fears that this innovation is prevented because the future is always built based on the works of the past. Lessig also discusses recent efforts by stakeholders in the copyright industry who argue for even longer and denser protection of intellectual property on three levels: at the code level, at the level of content and on the representational level.

The code level is controlled by computer programs. An example is the Internet censorship in the People's Republic of China ( Internet censorship in mainland China), sorted out the IP addresses according to their geographical origin. The level of content is illustrated by the example of the music sharing platform Napster, a file exchange market. Lessig criticizes the response of the music companies and Hollywood. The representational level is the one that actually passes information from one point to another, and can be both wired and wireless based. It appeals especially to spectrum regulation.

In the end, it emphasizes the importance of the process that existing works about going in a reasonable time in the public domain, as it so intended by the founding fathers.

The Future of Ideas is a sequel to his previous book, Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace, which is about how computer programs can restrict the freedom of ideas in cyberspace ( virtual space ).

Since 2008, the book, and the earlier works Lessig is licensed under a free license. The Creative Commons Attribution -Noncommercial was chosen (CC -BY -NC).



  • U.S. 1st hardcover edition ( Random House ) ISBN 0-375-50578-4
  • U.S. paperback ( Vintage books ): ISBN 0-375-72644-6